I totally agree with the statements you made in "All-Electric Storage". The Princeton University Study called Net Zero America has one plan designed to meet Zero Global Warming Emissions by 2050 called the 100 % Renewable Plan (or E+RE+ Plan). This plan calls for 15,949 TWH/yr utilizing 6,118 GW of generation equipment, which is close to your numbers. The current consumption in 2020 is shown as 4,116 TWH using 1,134 GW of generation equipment. The 100 % Renewable Plan is using mostly Wind & Solar which would require a huge amount of battery storage, which you point out to be approximately 4200 TWH of battery storage needed.

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$2.2 quadrillion.

Plus 10% for the big guy.

Once they murder 90% of the population* though, those costs will reduce dramatically.

*Deagel 2025 forecast.

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...but they never explain how the population reduction would be achieved. I worry about "eldernasia"

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Killing off the elderly is clearly in their interests.

How dare people live so long.

The Holodomor and the Great leap forward may have been used as their phase 1 trials, or at least as reference material.

Given "their" attacks on the food and energy industries / increasing prices, plus the GM mosquitos, attempts at blocking the sun, using foods to deliver "vaccines" and replacing the indigenous people, they appear to have multiple angles of attack.

Not to mention those weird fires in Maui, Canada, California and other places where the useless eaters live, especially those obstinate ones who won't just quietly die.

It's for the greater good you know.............

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Who's "greater good"?

"Enquiring minds want to know."

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A Mr Gates and Mr Schwab probably.

Plus all of the other evil bastards who prostitute themselves to the useless bankers, WEF and Blackrock.

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With that in mind, how are your plans for the Fountain of Youth coming along?

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Not well.

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