It’s Time for Climate Candor
Scientists, Politicians, Utilities, Manufacturers and Climate Advocates
Candor : unreserved, honest, or sincere expression : forthrightness
The proposed global energy transition to “all-electric everything” and Net Zero by 2050 is not unfolding as we were told it would. Rather, it is unraveling as many of us thought it would. Rising energy costs, declining energy reliability, fuel selection mandates, reduced freedom of movement, dietary changes and other real and perceived issues have spawned resistance to the transition. The lack of candor regarding the transition is palpable. It is clearly time for climate candor.
The UNFCCC and the IPCC need to be candid about the continued existence and influence of natural climate variation and include research into the causes of natural variation in their programs.
The IPCC Working Group authors need to be fair in including all relevant research in their evaluations, not just research which supports the consensus narrative.
The consensed climate science community needs to cease its efforts to prevent publication of climate research which does not comport with the consensus narrative.
The IPCC Working Group authors need to insist that the IPCC Summary for Policymakers is a real summary of the conclusions of the Working Groups and not a gross exaggeration describing the current situation as a “crisis” or “existential threat” of an emergency.
The UN Secretariat needs to tone down the “earth on fire” and “boiling oceans” rhetoric intended to scare the population into precipitous action.
NOAA and NASA need to justify why and explain how they repeatedly “adjust” historic temperature anomalies.
The renewable generation developers need to tone down the “cheapest electricity” rhetoric, acknowledge that their generation systems are redundant capacity and will remain so until hey are combined with sufficient storage capacity to render their generating capacity dispatchable.
Electric utilities need to clearly communicate their need for dispatchable capacity sufficient to meet current and projected future peak demand.
Electric utilities and their ISOs and RTOs need to clearly communicate to both government and regulatory agencies that existing coal and natural gas generation cannot be shuttered until sufficient alternative dispatchable generation has been commissioned to replace their generating capacity and accommodate growth in expected peak demand.
Electric utilities and their ISOs and RTOs need to clearly communicate that additional natural gas generation capacity might be necessary to accommodate peak demand growth if dispatchable renewable generation capacity is not connected to the grid rapidly enough to meet growing demand resulting from “all-electric everything”
Federal and state agencies responsible for the energy transition need to acknowledge that the Dispatchable Emissions-Free Resources (DEFRs) they are relying upon to supplement renewable generation do not exist and are therefore not currently available for deployment. These agencies also need to acknowledge that the future availability of these DEFRs is uncertain.
Federal and state agencies also need to acknowledge that DEFRs, if and when they become available, render intermittent renewable generation redundant capacity to the extent that they are employed as backup capacity to renewable generation.
Federal and state agencies need to acknowledge that the promise of reduced energy costs resulting from the energy transition is a fraudulent fantasy.
While the above actions need to occur in the interest of candor, it seems highly unlikely that they will occur before there is a major grid outage followed by a self-serving “blame game”.
A repetition of the “Six Phases of a Project” appears inevitable.
NetZero?..... I got a far better suggestion.. …. Do Nothing!..
Let’s halt all action on these wild and crazy NetZero solutions and focus on our current technologies to recover our prosperity and industries.
The facts so far show no trends on climate impact on our civilizations that some solid adaption cannot easily fix. Mitigation of CO2 and the rush to replace fossil fuels is foolish and will cost far more lives and hardship. Plus, we are wasting our wealth on all this NetZero. Its time for common sense to prevail.
Until it is proved we have a problem, why are we wasting time and money on it?
Time to change to governments that get it!
Climate science is far from settled, and a huge and widening gulf exists between what the UN politicos and the sensation seeking media are saying to scare the population, and what the real scientists are saying.
The climate emergency has become a religion that satisfies the woke driven global world view that the planet needs saving from the greedy human scourge. It also fits the bill for those that want to use it to better control the population.
Anyway, whatever your politics, the scientific facts do not even come close to supporting this climate emergency nonsense.
On just about every sustainability metric the increase in global temperature and the following increase in CO2 (for whatever reason) is good news for humanity.
So, we need to stop vilifying the flourishing capability of fossil fuels, and although we can with time evolve our energy sources to better and cleaner forms, the developing world will use what it can dig out of the ground for many years to come… so get over it sunshine.
We now have plenty of scientific facts to make the case that at the very least, whatever you want to believe, we must have much more discussion on the need for NetZero before we destroy humanity with our own misplaced virtuousness.
Educational Material..
Climate: The Movie (The Cold Truth) Updated 4K version (
A Climate Conversation (
Unsettled (Updated and Expanded Edition): What Climate Science Tells Us, What It Doesn't, and Why It Matters: Koonin, Steven E.: 9781637745250: Books -